Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Landon Carter

Dear readers,

I am apologizing for what you are about to read. I am a moment away from ending A Walk To Remember. This addiction will last long and I mean LOOOOONNGGGGGG... Maybe, FOREVER.

I was so desperately anxious to watch A Walk To Remember. I have the copy of the movie but what was missing is my time. I have no time for the movie! I have my full schedule. But I am sorry to tell you that exams no longer exist and I have my time to conduct movie marathons! Bahaha! Actually, I I was supposed to be finishing the portfolio documentary but the movie tempted me and I could no longer resist. EEP. I will finish that before Friday. :P HAHA! Yes, I need to constantly convince and remind myself. Okay, so I was saying I have watched A Walk To Remember about 38 minutes ago.

I was familiar with the whole story but I was not a witness of it. But now I am! Bahaha! I love the characters. I love the movie! I love Nicholas Sparks! I love Landon Carter -- reminds me of someone. hihihi.

Landon Carter -- my new apple of the eye. After the no ending love drama with Chuck Bass (still he is my love and will ever be). Now here's my new one! Landon Carter! Booyah! I am now and officially in love with him! HAHA. He is way toooo sizzling HOT! Good characterization, BTW, for the movie. Three Cheers! Hoorah! I know, I am totally outdated. Many have been addicted to him before me but you know, it's better late than never. Bahaha! I consder myself lucky that I was able to watch the movie. He is the sweetest fictional guy I've ever known. Edward Cullen, eat dust! Bahaha! From bad boy to Mr. Nice Guy, as in. Beat that! Aww.

Landon Carter:
-bad boy with a pure heart
-has nice taste giving gifts (sweater)
-has good PORMA
-SWEET. :)
-one woman guy
-has ONE word

"Our love is like the wind -- you can't see it but you can feel it."

I told you, you have read GAY blog. Bahaha! Oh, well. Thnx, whoever you are.

1 comment:

  1. i love it! well, it shows that you really enjoyed and got affected by the movie. Continue being inspired and continue loving...

    BLOGSPOT anD someone.
